CP Cheat Friends Hit Counter

Monday, May 25, 2009

CP Blog Sneak Peak

Here is the sneak peak for the new Sports and Snow catalogpurplescuba2.jpg
Doesn't it look cool...not


Frostylittle said...

Dear CP Cheat Friends,
You, and ten other penguins involved some how in CPN(even though you aren't in any way involved in CPN, we've decieded to invite you!) are invited for a Summer Eviction game that will take part this summer. Once a week, I will give each of the ten penguins a challenge. (usually some thing involving CP) Than, the one penguin that doesn't complete the challenge at all or perfoms poorly will be evicted. For this competition to work, you'll probably need an email or blog, so I'll have proof for the challenges. I'll be hosting the competetion, and it will be called Neighborhood Survival. It would be an honor for you to join. Do you want to join?
-Frostylittle, President of CPN

P.S. Don't worry if you going on vacation for a week or so, I'll make sure your safe!

COMMENT BACK ON: www.clubpenguinneighborhood.blogspot.com

Frostylittle said...

Dear CP Cheat Friends,
You, and ten other penguins involved some how in CPN(even though you aren't in any way involved in CPN, we've decieded to invite you!) are invited for a Summer Eviction game that will take part this summer. Once a week, I will give each of the ten penguins a challenge. (usually some thing involving CP) Than, the one penguin that doesn't complete the challenge at all or perfoms poorly will be evicted. For this competition to work, you'll probably need an email or blog, so I'll have proof for the challenges. I'll be hosting the competetion, and it will be called Neighborhood Survival. It would be an honor for you to join. Do you want to join?
-Frostylittle, President of CPN

P.S. Don't worry if you going on vacation for a week or so, I'll make sure your safe!

COMMENT BACK ON: www.clubpenguinneighborhood.blogspot.com

Kitty Reyes said...

Non comprend. Parle francais!!!

Qu'est-ce que tu mange les chiens???

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