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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Have you ever heard of Darius Weems

Have you heard of Darius Weems. He is a 19 year old man from Atlanta Georgia he is on a mission to sell 1,000,000 DVD's of his story. He has Duchenne Muscular Distrophy (DMD). It's a really good movie and I encourage you to buy it. It's $12 and all the money they make goes to a DMD place to find a cure. Darius Goes West. One Year. One Million DVDs.

1 comment:

Alex Maria said...

thanks for telling me about the pop up messege thingy. to get the cursor, go to the VERY bottom of my blog and then click the box that says cursor and then go to the animal section or just type in penguin and then thats it. -pengunia46

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